Application “Photographic Performance 2024 act 2”
Use the following form to apply for the current call for entry.
You will need your images ready to upload. Digital images should 1800 pixels on the longest side saved in JPEG format at 72 ppi. Each image should be labeled with consecutive numbers followed by your name, i.e. 1FirstName_LastName.jpg. The number should correspond with the number on the application form below. You can upload the images individually below, or you can put them all in a folder and zip the folder to send one file. If you need help sizing your images, please follow this link
“type of print” refers to the physical print itself. Examples are digital pigment print(if printed from a digital printer or service) or various darkroom/historical processes such as silver gelatin print, cyanotype, lith print, photogravure, etc.
You will also be given the option to pay the entry fee by Paypal or check. The entry fee is $75. Submission fees are not refundable.
Checks should be mailed to:
A Smith Gallery
P O Box 175
Johnson City, TX 78636