“vistas” juried by Dan Burkholder
The “vistas” exhibition juried by Dan Burkholder was in the gallery from November 3 to December 17, 2017. Dan selected fifty four images from fifty two artist.
“Right after jurying this show I was off for two weeks of teaching and shooting in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and both Dakotas. The entire time, I was haunted by memories of the fine photography submitted for this “Vistas” show. I believe one test of good photography is an image’s visual stickiness — its capacity to burrow into your brain cells where it pops to consciousness over and over. Such was the work in this exhibition.
We are nestled in an era of treatment, not just in post-processing terms with our iPhone apps or Photoshop Plug-ins, but in the way we use exposure for motion and evidence of time. This can be a good thing or it can be as cheesy as a photographic equivalent of painting on black velvet. Fortunately, the artists represented in this exhibition know the difference. After living with these images for several weeks now, I can proclaim with total confidence that our medium is in good hands, no matter how straight, stylized or manipulated.
Congratulations on your talent, your craft and your vision. Now keep shooting.”
Dan Burkholder