Archive for the ‘News’ Category

“So Bright, It Got Dark” by Sophie Pimpinella | Awards Collective GalleryTalk

The Awards Collective was created to feature the works of artist who have received a Juror’s Award or Director’s Award in ASG’s Online exhibitions.  Sophie Pimpinella’s  image “Burst“ received the Juror’s Award in the “portal” exhibition juried by Crista Dix.  Sophie’s exhibition “So Bright, It Got Dark” was featured from February 1 to February 28, […]


“Old Masters” by Sveta Butko | Awards Collective GalleryTalk

The Awards Collective was created to feature the works of artist who have received either a Juror’s Award or Director’s Award in ASG’s Online exhibitions.  Sveta Butko’s image “Alana“ received the Director’s Award in the “portraits” exhibition juried by Donna Garcia.  Sveta’s exhibition “Old Masters” is discussed in this GalleryTalk. Artist Statement I called my […]


“Knot Reality” by Linda Caldwell | Awards Collective GalleryTalk

The Awards Collective was created to feature the works of artist who have received either a Juror’s Award or Director’s Award in ASG’s Online exhibitions.  Linda Caldwell’s image “The Potter“ received the Director’s Award in the “light” exhibition juried by Laurie Klein.  Linda’s exhibition “Knot Reality” is discussed in this GalleryTalk. Artist Statement This ever […]


“How The Light Gets In” by Linda Plaisted | Awards Collective GalleryTalk

The Awards Collective was created to feature the works of artist who have received a Juror’s Award or Director’s Award in ASG’s Online exhibitions.  Linda Plaisted’s  image “Rose Red“ received the Juror’s Award in the “portraits” exhibition juried by Donna Garcia.  Linda’s exhibition “How The Light Gets In” was featured from January 1 to January […]


“Encaustic Layers of Time: An Autobiographical Journey” by Jenn Adams | Fruition GalleryTalk

Fruition, in conjunction with Leah Macdonald’s Fuse Studio, was created as a residency program to help artist in need studio space and equipment to complete or further a body of work and be supported with guidance, time, and the tools needed to create or complete their project. Jenn Adam’s exhibition “Encaustic Layers of Time: An […]


“she” juried by Polly Gaillard | GalleryTalk

The “she” exhibition, juried by Polly Gaillard, was in the online gallery from December 20, 2024 to January 30, 2025.  Polly selected forty seven images from thirty eight artists for the exhibition. Laura J Bennett’s image “Path for Pain” received the Juror’s Award. Bill Polkinhorn’s image “il pensatore” received the Director’s Award. Juror’s Statement She celebrates […]


Something I would like to talk about: Art For Photographers

I recently posted the piece below on social media. It got quite a bit of attention. I am wondering if there is interest out there in participating in an “Art For Photographers” workshop? If interested or just to comment, email me at “Had a conversation with a photographer/visual artist last night. The subject of […]


“Culturelux” by John Woodruff | Photographic Performance GalleryTalk

The Photographic Performance was created to feature the works of artist with completed bodies of work and a strong narrative. John Woodruff’s exhibition “Culturelux“ is the final of four performances to be exhibited during Act II 2024. John’s exhibition is discussed in this GalleryTalk. Artist Statement When I was a kid in the fifties and […]


“story” juried by Kevin Tully | GalleryTalk

The “story” exhibition, juried by Kevin Tully, was in the online gallery from November 8 to December 19, 2024.  Kevin selected forty seven images from thirty four artists for the exhibition. Dub Weathersby’s image “Road Trip” received the Juror’s Award. Eduardo Fujii’s image “The Weight of My Sins” received the Director’s Award. link to online […]


“The River Will Be A Part of Us” by Justus Wayne Thomas | GalleryTalk

The Photographic Performance was created to feature the works of artist with completed bodies of work and a strong narrative. Justus Wayne Thomas’ book and exhibition “The River Will Be A Part of Us“ was part of the 2023 Photographic Performance. Wayne’s exhibition and book is discussed in this GalleryTalk. Artist Statement It would be […]