“Axis Mundi / The Sacred Center” | Photographic Performance GalleryTalk

The Photographic Performance was created to feature the works of artist with completed bodies of work and a strong narrative. Axis Mundi’s group exhibition is the fourth of four performances to be exhibited during 2024.  The exhibition is discussed with the eight members in this GalleryTalk.

Artist Statement

Axis Mundi is a photographic exhibition showcasing the visions of eight artists who interpret the intersection of heaven and earth through their unique lenses. Rather than mirror the physical environment, these artists embellish, romanticize, and amplify it, transforming reality into personal expressions. Their images serve as portals, concealed passages to otherworldly dimensions, narrating tales of awe and wonder. Viewers are invited to transcend the material world and explore the extraordinary realms that lie beyond.


We are a collective of expressionist photographers united by our passion to transcend the surface layers of reality. Through our work we capture the ephemeral beauty and emotional resonance of the world around us. Our diverse backgrounds and unique voices converge to form a rich tapestry of artistic exploration as we inspire appreciation for the interconnectedness between our inner and outer landscapes.

Renee Lynn, Christophe Potworowski, Terri Golas, Donna Oglesby, Rita Swinford, M M Rainey, Julie Devine and Judy Bonderman
June, 2024

Directors’ Statement

Expressionism as a movement in the art world began as a response to materialism and the orthodoxies of art and religion before and after World War I. It gave painters the freedom to express — with color, brush strokes, and content — emotions and subjective interpretations and representations of the world — objective reality denied.

The expressionist photography collective, Axis Mundi, has beautifully and compellingly transformed obvious reality, which is typically expected from the camera, into a metaphysical expression of light, color, and form.  These painterly compositions suggest contemplation, allowing for an emotional response.

The creative connection and kinship between Renee, Christophe, Terri, Donna, Rita, Margaret,  Julie, and Judy is obvious. We, the viewer, are lucky that these photographers found each other. We look forward to seeing how this collective inspires each other and us in the future.

Amanda Smith and Kevin Tully
June, 2024

website: reneelynnimages.com
instagram @reneelynnimages

website: potworowski.com
instagram @christophepotworowski

website: terrigo.com
instagram @terrigolas

website: ritaswinford.com
instagram @r_d_swinford

website: donnaoglesbyphotography.com
instagram @donnaoglesbyphotography

website: mmrainey.com
instagram @mmrainey_photography

instagram @juliedevine50

website: judybondermanphoto.myportfolio.com
instagram @bondermama

link to online exhibition

link to exhibition catalogue